Lucha — A Wrestling Tale

Taft High School, the South Bronx. It’s known for being the first high school in the country to have metal detectors, but a group of pioneering women on the schools’ wrestling team are looking to change that legacy and their lives. Shirley wants a college scholarship, Nyasia wants to get in shape, Mariam is juggling studies and sports, and Alba is a recent immigrant looking for a home. Shot over the course of more than two years, the film weaves together practices, matches, and at-home footage to create an intimate portrait of four young women and a team struggling to overcome the daily challenges around them.

Presented by Waffle Iron Entertainment in association with Noble Heart Films and MWM Partners. Produced and Directed by Marco Ricci.

Runtime 96m

Winner — Metropolis Grand Jury Prize, DOC NYC 2023
Official Selection — Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2024

Lucha — A Wrestling Tale

Taft High School, the South Bronx. It’s known for being the first high school in the country to have metal detectors, but a group of pioneering women on the schools’ wrestling team are looking to change that legacy and their lives. Shirley wants a college scholarship, Nyasia wants to get in shape, Mariam is juggling studies and sports, and Alba is a recent immigrant looking for a home. Shot over the course of more than two years, the film weaves together practices, matches, and at-home footage to create an intimate portrait of four young women and a team struggling to overcome the daily challenges around them.

Presented by Waffle Iron Entertainment in association with Noble Heart Films and MWM Partners. Produced and Directed by Marco Ricci.

Runtime 96m

Winner — Metropolis Grand Jury Prize, DOC NYC 2023
Official Selection — Santa Barbara International Film Festival 2024